Richard Derham

I am experienced in a range of different business, IT and teaching roles. I possess excellent soft-skills as well as significant technical skills. I am committed to lifelong learning and am interested in securing stimulating work.

Career Summary

2015-present Canterbury District Health Board, Christchurch

2015-present System Administrator/Analyst

2000–present University of Canterbury, Christchurch

2011–present Lecturer (Fixed term)

2010–present Tutor (Teaching assistant)

2014–2015 Business Analyst

2012–2014 Technical Analyst and Subject Matter Expert

2005–2010 System Administrator/Business Analyst

2004–2005 System Administration and Configuration Coordinator/Business Analyst (secondment)

2003–2004 Project Manager (secondment)

2002–2005 Student and Academic Data Manager

2001 Business Analyst (secondment)

2000-2002 Fees and enrolments consultant